Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kochi and JET

I will be teaching in Japan as part of the JET Program. The JET Program hires English speakers from around the world to become assistant language teachers throughout Japan to promote cultural education and teach both students and teachers alike better conversation skills. I will be teaching and living in Shimanto, Japan (also known as Nakamura.) Shimanto is located in Kochi prefecture on the Island of Shikoku. Kochi is known for its natural beauty as well as having the cleanest river in Japan, the Shimanto River, which unsurprisingly flows right through the city of Shimanto. Shimanto is a small city with a population of around 36,000. I will be teaching at 2 high schools in the area which means I will be working with 6 different English teachers, have 11 different classes and something like 500 students. So the whole thing promises to be both challenging and fun. My trip begins on July 23rd when I will be flying to Tokyo I will be there for a few days for heading to Kochi. I will try to post again and put up pictures but I don't know how frequent my internet access will be until I get it set up in my apartment. In the mean time here are some websites to keep you busy.


1 comment:

  1. I apologize that I couldn't get the websites to work as link. You will just have to copy and paste them for now.
