Thursday, September 8, 2011

Baby Sea Turtles

I got the great opportunity to help with the hatching of baby loggerhead sea turtles. As you may or may not know, sea turtles come onto land to lay their eggs, which they bury in the sand. Months later the baby turtles dig their way to the surface and make their way into the ocean. Because they are an endangered species their nest was protected by a large cage after the eggs were laid to keep predators from eating the eggs. And since a lot can happen in the long walk the newly hatched turtles have from the nest to the water we helped them. In groups we took batches of turtles in a bucket down to the water. There we took the turtles out one by one facing them towards the beach and watch them turn around, they naturally reorient themselves to the sun, and then watch them swim away into the ocean. Though sea turtles often hatch at night these hatched during the early morning meaning I had to wake up before 5am on a Saturday, but it was definitely worth it!


  1. They are adorable!

    Hey. I miss you. When I get back from my trip to New England, we should Skype.

  2. Amazing... I am so glad you were able to catch the event.
